
Observatório do Sindienergia-RS

Renove os hábitos, renove as energias

Porto Alegre will host meetings on renewable energy in April

This April, the capital of Rio Grande do Sul will host two important events to address the area of renewable energy. The first of them, the Wind of Change – Meeting of Investors in Green Hydrogen and Wind Power Offshore/Nearshore will take place on the 18th and 19th, at the Hotel Laghetto Moinhos. already the 18th GD South Forumwhich will address distributed generation (in which consumers produce their own energy, usually using solar panels), will take place between the 26th and 27th, at Barra Shopping Sul.
As for the meeting on offshore (at sea) and nearshore (in lagoons) wind activity and the green hydrogen, the president of the Renewable Energy Industry Union of Rio Grande do Sul (Sindienergia-RS), Guilherme Sari, details that the initiative will be promoted by the entity in partnership with the events company Viex. The objective is to bring together businessmen and government representatives in the same environment to discuss the future of these markets. “The idea is to have a business vision of the sector”, emphasizes Sari.
Among the topics that will be addressed, advances the director, are the regulatory framework, logistics and port issues, opportunities and potential in the country and in Rio Grande do Sul for the development of these chains. The president of Sindienergia-RS recalls that this is the first event to be held, but the proposal is to transform it into an annual meeting. He adds that the State is very interested in these matters and cites the example of offshore wind projects, as today the highest sum of installed power in actions of this nature being processed by Ibama (58,679 MW – which is more than 14 times the average energy demand of the state of Rio Grande do Sul) is located in Rio Grande do Sul. In addition, the leader indicates the port of Rio Grande as a differential for the gauchos to provide logistical support for undertakings in this segment.
Regarding the 18th GD Sul Forum, the CEO of the FRG Mídias & Eventos Group and advisor to the Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation (ABGD), Tiago Fraga, says that the perspective is that entrepreneurs from the entire chain, who work with the manufacture of photovoltaic modules, components, inverters and other equipment, attend the meeting. He anticipates that the meeting will serve to close deals and also discuss topics relevant to the area. “The event should generate around BRL 500 million in business, this is our expectation”, points out the CEO of the FRG Mídias & Eventos Group.
He points out that one of the advantages of distributed generation is being closer to the points of demand, which avoids the need to implement extensive transmission lines and greater technical losses. In Brazil, distributed generation has already surpassed the level of 19 thousand MW in installed capacity. Fraga recalls that Rio Grande do Sul has more than 2,000 MW of installed power in distributed generation, second only to São Paulo and Minas Gerais.
As for the discussion of topics relevant to the sector during the forum, one topic that will be covered is the Law 14,300, which regulates distributed generation and came into effect in January of this year. The commercial manager of OIW Solar (a company that focuses on the distribution of photovoltaic kits and renewable energy products for integrators), Leandro Farina, comments that at the end of 2022 there was a “race” on the part of consumers in search of solar panels to get conform to the rules prior to the new standard, which lengthened the payback (return on investment) of equipment.
Farina admits that there were impacts on the market in this first quarter of 2023 with the law, however he predicts that in the second half there will be a reheating of the market. “It’s already showing signs of improvement and we think it’s going to pick up again, maybe even recover the losses from the beginning of the year”, he points out. He projects that the segment of residential consumers will leverage sales in the coming months. According to the commercial manager at OIW Solar, the new rule increased the payback on the investment by around 10 months. Currently, he estimates that the return on investment in a residential photovoltaic system in Rio Grande do Sul is in the average of six years and the disbur*****t for the equipment to serve a house that has an electricity bill in the order of R$ 500.00 would be of approximately R$ 18 thousand.


Texto por: News in France